Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Blog


Focus Question: How do teachers organize electronic resources to address curriculum frameworks and learning standards? Teachers are extremely busy with many different responsibilities so one important tool is to manage information electronically and to stay organized.  Teachers can find all CPALMS and Nets on line via the web.  The web has vast amounts of information teachers can utilize “Information management – the process of finding, organizing and using information “as stated in our text “Transforming Learning with New Technologies” is a useful tool.  The web has a plethora of information that is at times is more current than textbooks.  School systems budgets are so strained that teachers can use the web to enhance their lesson plans.  Digital bookmarking or adding “favorites” in websites such as “Delicious” is an excellent resource to save important information and links. 

Tech Tool: 6.2 Delicious website.  Delicious is an exciting tool that teachers can use to bookmark or save their “favorites” on the web.  This website is free to join; when adding new links you can use tags to describe the website such as: government, politics, and journalism.  Delicious allows you to edit your profile with pictures; share information even can tweet for this website.  This website is an example of one tool teachers can use or organize sites by subject, grade level, learning standards and many more.

Chapter Summary: Chapter 6 begins with information management. It describes how teachers can manage information at their fingertips. The web can be overwhelming so when searching the web using tools such as “Delicious” is an excellent resource. As a teacher it’s important to stay organized and keep your “favorites” in one site.   Personally, I was never aware such tools existed.   I have digitally bookmarked every link that I have found interesting and useful in my Delicious account, utilizing the tags features Web Quest and Visual field trips are engaging tools that students will love.  These interactive websites encourage students to access pictures, audio and video and are engaging activities that students will like.  There are many different educational websites such as; lesson plan websites, skills/practice website even exploration and discovery websites to name a few. Teachers have so much paper clutter so using technology to alleviate electronic clutter will give them the ability to find resources at their fingertips.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Molly. As you stated in your post, it is a fact the field of teaching, today, is very demanding. Educators, besides teaching, have to fill out a lot of paperwork, attend to meetings with administrators, others teachers, or parents, prepare for evaluations, take additional training to keep updated, even serve "duties" such as watching hallways or the cafeteria. Moreover, many teachers are involved in after school teaching, or activities such as coaching sports. Websites offer the necessary resources to alleviate their loads of work, ease their jobs requirements, and save time. The following ones assist very well on the numerous tasks required daily to the teachers, as well as to manage paper flow: , ,
    Thanks for an interesting post.

  3. Thank you Alix I appreciate your input. I used to work for the school system so I understand the challenges faced by teachers. Hopefully after this class I can use all the tools I have learned in class to be an organized teacher.

  4. Delicious is, indeed, a valuable tool for management and also for collaboration! Once you start using it, you depend on it and can't imagine living without it! Do remember to link your websites on your posts, Molly - that is one of the benefits of creating a blog (as well as an expectation for this class)! :)

  5. I hear you loud and clear - Thank you
