Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chapter 3

September 5, 2012

Focus question: What is meant by "lesson development using technology"?  My definition of lesson development using technologies utilize 3 key components used in all lesson plans; what to teach, how to teach, and know what students learned.  For example, students could use textbook, Internet, wiki pages for research of different topics.  Following curriculum guidelines the students could create a "written report" or a blog or even a power point depending on their skill level.  This will help the teacher assess their skill level in communicating and navigating with technology.

Tech Tool 3.1: Online resources for lesson planning:  After reviewing all 3 websites I selected PBS teachers, there content is excellent, by grade level with many interesting lessons plan that already had my creative juices flowing.  At first, I am already familiar with Gliffy (Xerox uses them for bar charts etc) and we always stick with what we know.  This site is the only website that requires payment the others are all free.  Verizon Thinkfinity has good content such a National Geographic that was interesting.  PBS teacher even offers online professional development for ceu credits.  As a teacher your always looking for new and exciting content to stimulate your students; this website is just the technology tool to use.

Chapter summary: This chapter content was interesting and important in teacher planning. Having working in CCPS many teachers hated lesson plans and many were "copied".  I am looking forward to making interesting lesson plans utilizing technology to make the students engaged.   The text describes The online lesson planning information was informative particularly that I have saved in my delicious account.  In the US we are behind in Math and Science so its a national center for improving learning in these 2 subjects.  This chapter also describes how teachers can evaluate their students progress before during and after so throughout the entire learning process.  This is key for retention.  

Chapter 2

September 5, 2012

Focus Question: How does technology create student engagement and collaboration?  Students relate to technology much faster than the standard class lecture.  This chapter specifically describes how learning theories have changed and evolved over the years and continue to change.  Utilizing today's technologies inspire creativity and collaboration on all different levels.  Whether its a "learning group" in which students work together on a project through researching the web, finding different on line tools to write, publish and create their work.  This type of collaboration can be done in any class setting where students are engaged and learning from each other.  Any student I have met when they see my Ipad almost always suggest a favorite app etc.  They love to share this knowledge and are captivated by it.  This is one of the best uses in teaching and making it real life.

Tech Tool 2.2: Web resources for accessing and assessing infomation: In the big wide web many people believe everything they read feel if its posted on the web its truth. Over the years, especialy in today's political enviroment I am constantly searching for credit facts. Fact Check

I admire this website's mission statement, they even post their donors on the website making this very credible content with no hidden agenda.:

"We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding."


This chapter begins with how learning in the classroom using technologies has evolved.  It defines three theories of learning: 1, Behaviorism, 2, Cognitive science and 3, Constructivisim.  The text defines new ways in how teachers communicate with students, different types of students learning using technology.  Using such programs as digital pictures, video, graphic design.  These programs are just a few that lets the power of the students imagination create new and interesting portfolios.  Students are engaged, working together to complete projects and provide feedback for collabrative learning. There are a few approaches to learning; teacher-centered learning which is the classic style of lecturing that is concrete and "black and white". Student-centered learning is more engaging, where the students take part in group activities, engaged discussions, etc.